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Sailor  4300 Certus 


Co-operating closely with Iridium following its appointment as an Iridium Certus manufacturing partner in 2015, Cobham SATCOM has leveraged its position as the recognised market and technology leading L-band terminal provider to ensure that end-users can fully leverage the power of Iridium’s new service. Innovations such as integrating the Iridium BCX module within the antenna itself introduce significant cost and operational benefits, including lower installation costs and more flexible antenna placement, and optimised link performance.

SAILOR 4300 L-band is the highly reliable link to the low-latency Iridium NEXT network, enabling Iridium Certus service users to optimise diverse operational applications including; multi-user Internet/VPN, IoT and telemedicine, alongside regular usage including email, electronic forms/reporting and crew communication. SAILOR 4300 L-band is also GMDSS ready, with Iridium services expected to start in early 2020.

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